On Thursday, July 7, 2016, 11:30 a.m. at Government House, 4607 Dewdney Avenue in Regina, Lieutenant Governor, the Honourable Vaughn Solomon Schofield, Patron of Wounded Warriors Weekend, lit the torch that will be carried from Regina to Nipawin to honour military and first responders, especially those struggling with Post TraumaticStress Disorder as a result of their service.
Also participating in the launch were representatives from the Army, Navy, Air Force, RCMP, municipal police services, the Regina Fire Department, and Moose Jaw & Regina Emergency Medical Services. Her Honour knows all too well that all Veterans and First Responders are at risk for developing PTSD and that more needs to be known about this DEVASTATING INJURY.
The Run to Remember Torch Run will visit many Saskatchewan communities from
Regina to Nipawin, Saskatchewan from July 7 - 22 and burn there throughout Wounded Warriors Weekend from July 28 - August 1, 2016. In addition to honouring veterans, military, and first responders, the Run will raise awareness of PTSD. Any funds raised will support WWW, which provides an opportunity for injured military and first responders.
For the entire schedule, see www.facebook.com/woundedwarriorsweekend
OR www.woundedwarriorsweekend.org
The crew from Battle Scars TV will also be on hand to film interviews with people
struggling with PTSD. In production since 2009, Battle Scars has interviewed
approximately 500 veterans and soldiers, embedded on exercises with the support of DND, and completed over 200 military-themed videos including a number based entirely on PTSD.
To review their work, check here:www.Facebook.com/BattleScarsTV
Wounded Warriors Weekend is an annual event that brings together approximately 200 Veterans and First Responders for a 4 day weekend of recreation and camaraderie and recreation.
MORE INFO: www.Facebook.com/WoundedWarriorsWeekend
For information on:
Wounded Warriors Weekend, contact Blake Emmons at: 1-306-812-8757
Run to Remember, contact Brenda: 1-306-378-1303 (Note change in number)
Battle Scars, contact Dixon Christie Dixon@HypeTV.ca

I wish to participate in Wounded Warriors Weekend’s Run to Remember, honouring and supporting wounded veterans and first responders, which will take place between July 7 and 23, 2016, over the attached routes.
I agree to abide by the rules, regulations, and instructions of the event, as well as all applicable municipal and provincial laws and regulations. I understand that participating in such an event, using public streets, facilities, and highways, as well as participation in services or associated events made available to participants during the event, are potentially hazardous activities and can result in serious injury or death. I am aware of and expressly assume all risks associated with participating in this event, including, without limitation, falls, contact with other participants and objects, effects of weather, traffic, and the conditions of the routes, streets, and highways used by the event. I assert that my participation in this event is voluntary.
In consideration for being allowed to participate in this event, I (for myself and any minors accompanying me, and for anyone entitled to act on my behalf) hereby waive and release from any and all claims for injuries and damages I may have arising out of the event or my participation in it against Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation Inc., WWW’s Run to Remember, and all other supportive parties of the event including sponsors, participating communities, organizations, clubs, friends of the event, other participants, third-parties, government or public entities (including, without limitation, the Department of Highways and all cities and towns along the route) and their respective affiliates, successors, officers, directors, employees, volunteers, agents, and representatives.
I intend by this Waiver and Release to release, in advance, and to waive my rights and to discharge all of the persons and entities mentioned above, from all claims for damages to my own property, personal injury or death, or which may hereafter accrue to me, as a result of my participation in this event, even though that liability may arise from negligence, carelessness, or recklessness (whether simple or gross) on the part of the persons or entities being released, from dangerous or defective property or equipment owned, maintained or controlled by them or because of their possible liability without fault. I understand and agree that this Waiver and Release is binding on my heirs, assigns, and legal representatives.
I agree not to participate unless I am medically able and properly prepared. I acknowledge that I alone am solely responsible for my personal health and safety, and the personal property I bring with me. I agree to abide by any decision of an event official concerning my ability to safely participate. I consent to receive medical treatment which may be advisable in the event of illness or injuries suffered by me during this event, and I agree to pay for the costs of any such medical treatment.
I agree that my participation in the event is subject to the sole discretion of the organizers of the event, and that my participation may be limited or terminated, with or without cause.
I understand that all donations received during WWW’s Run to Remember belong to Wounded Warriors Weekend Foundation Inc.
I understand WWW’s Run to Remember, and all its related events, are public events which may be recorded and so I give permission to Event Organizers to use or authorize others to use any photographs, motion pictures, or any other record of my participation in this event or related activities without remuneration.
I have carefully read this Waiver and Release and fully understand its contents. I am aware that this is a release of liability and a binding contract between myself and the persons and entities mentioned above and I consent to it of my own free will. I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am agreeing to this Waiver and Release freely and voluntarily, and intend it to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.
Signature: (Parent/Guardian Signature if Entrant under 18)